Sunday, January 10, 2010

Saturday, January 9, 2010

"When you fly too close to the sun..."

"...sometimes that's what you get."

Hay mucho mas que ver

Dear Mariana,

No one deserves to hurt. Sometimes the most simple lessons are the hardest to learn, but I'm learning them for you babygirl. Someday you'll be able to look at me and be proud because I'll be proud of myself too. Knowing that I would never want these circumstances for you I won't allow them for myself.

You're the strongest person I know and you're only 15 months old. Just yesterday you fell off your bike and got a bloody nose. You took it like a champ, you know that I'll be here to pick you up when you fall down as long as you need. The greater goal of course is that you'll be so strong you'll learn how to take care of yourself all on your own, though we all need help sometimes.

I watch your independence blossom as you stand on your own two feet and chase your changing curiosities. You dance shamelessly screaming and squealing, your laughter is the siren cry of a muse. The joy you breed is contagious, and being around you has taught me that no one deserves to hurt.

There is no time to invest in the destructive nature of others when there is so much time, strength, and hope to invest in you. I will not squander my better intentions. We both deserve better, you and I, my dear. After all it's awfully embarrassing being the Emperor with no Clothes, expecting great things investing faith in great things and walking around with nothing to show for it.

My lovely little bean sprout of the heart, we are entitled to not hurt. We are entitled to our happiness, we are entitled to love and support always. You can expect great things out of me Mariana, I won't let you down.